According to the analysis of the industry in India, cotton production in India is expected to reach 36 million 500 thousand bales this year (170 kg / pack), an increase of 15% over the same period last year.
India media said India cotton production is conducive to reducing costs in textile mills. At the same time, the increase of India cotton export supply will also bring difficulties to other exporting countries to develop the Chinese market. Affected by the Sino US trade war, the export demand for textiles in India has declined significantly.
In 6-9 months of this year, the average rainfall in Gujarat in India was more than 40% over the long term, and 30% in Maharashtra. Statistics show that as of September 27, 2019, India cotton sown area reached 12 million 770 thousand hectares, an increase of 5.5% over the same period.
Up to now, India has signed about 100 thousand new cotton contracts, compared with 50-60 packages a year ago. India traders expect that India's cotton exports will increase from 4 million 400 thousand bales to 5 million bales in 2019/20, and exports to China are expected to increase from 1 million 200 thousand to 1 million 500 thousand.